Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Still Behind in Updating Blog

Okay, I'm a but more than just a little behind on my blog. So, I'll see if I can do a quick update so I can catch you up with everything that has happened the last few weeks. I am SO excited!!

First, we went to San Antonio to a Bird Mart. Lots of birdies and accessories. They had a Blue Crown Conure I really wanted that they still had from the Temple show, but when I went back, someone had already bought her. :o( Probably a good thing someone else bought her now anyway. There were bords from finches to Macaws and guess who you heard over all the birds combined..... SUN CONURES! You got that right... LOL To wrap up the San Antonio trip, my husband and I had a great time and couldn't decide what all we wanted. We almost got Marly a new Green Cheek buddy. It was a beautiful Tourquoise Green Cheek. He had a really hard time not scooping her up and bringing her home. (I didn't help matters by telling him... "She is choosing you dear, you need to take her home.") Hehe.. We didn't go home empty handed though. We got some terrific deals on toys. We got well over $100 worth of toys for less than $40! Oh yea, some fresh roasted nuts for the trip home too!

Then Sunday, we met at J&M Aviary for our monthly Austin Parrot Society meeting. This month was a toy making workshop and it was a lot of fun! Everyone had great ideas and plenty to share. Jamie and Emily were FULL of information as always. I learn so much from them! All I made was a little wiffle ball with different types of rope on it for Juno so I could try and expand her taste besides the shoulders of my shirts all the time.

I'm going to close this post so I can sit and think about what has happened since then. I have a lot to share just from the last few days, I don't want to forget anything before that.